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For the Community

The church doesn't exist inside four walls, but is present in the lives of everyone who has been set free by God. We will be known for our love one for another and our service to the community.



For the Nation

We are blessed to live in a country where we are free to serve God and each other. We will seek to meet the needs of not only the community around us but the nation that protects this freedom.



For the World

We support missions abroad providing resources and finances to further their works. Our mission is to send and be sent and we look to develop the next generation of missionaries to carry the gospel to the world.



Our mission is Matthew 28:19.

Go, make disciples of Jesus Christ, baptize and teach people the Word of God.  


Our vision is to train, disciple and send out believers into a world who needs the Good News of Jesus Christ. We believe the gospel must be preached into all the world. We accomplish this by sending out the community of believers either locally, nationally, or globally. The great commission that Christ gave His disciples is still our focus today. 

Image by Catalin Pop


We Believe

the Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God. 

We Believe

in the value of a soul. 

We Believe

there is only one God. He has revealed Himself to humanity as the Father (Creator), as the Son (Savior), and as the Holy Spirit (indwelling in us).

We Believe

in water baptism in Jesus' name. 

We Believe

in the infilling of the Spirit along with the gifts of the Spirit. 

We Believe

Christ followers should be authentic and grow in their walk with God. 


Meet Our Pastor

Jonathan Denton, along with his wife, Brandi and three kids, Carlie, Harrison, Maddie, and their two dogs, has served as pastor at the Way since 2023. They have served in ministry all of their lives with a focus on family and kids ministry. They are Nashville area lifers and are passionate about serving the community around them and teaching others how to live, love, and serve the way Jesus did. 

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The church began in 1993 in the home of Pastor Gary and Helen Mink, where the church was named New Testament Apostolic Church. Pastor Mink found a “round building” in Goodlettsville where the church could meet for the next 3 years. In 1997, the church relocated to a beautiful piece of property with a house that was remodeled to fit the needs of the church. Although it was their intention to build a church in Goodlettsville, the Lord led them to Bethel Road in Millersville, where there was 4 acres of open land. 

In 2009, the church was built in its existing location. In 2013, a beautiful fellowship hall and Sunday school classrooms were added. 


In February 2023, the church welcomed Pastor Jonathan and Brandi Denton. The church was renamed The Way. While Helen Mink went to meet her eternal reward in June 2023, Elder Gary Mink works alongside Pastor Denton as a mentor and spiritual advisor. 


While the vision of The Way may expand, the values of the house will always stay the same. Our vision is to see the Kingdom of God grow both locally, nationally and globally. We want to see Christ lifted high and the name of Jesus famous in our community, country and world.  

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